BITUMINOUS EMULSION: -A bitumen emulsion is liquid product in which a substantial
amount of bitumen is suspended in a finely divided condition in an aqueous
medium and stabilized by means of one or more suitable material. An emulsion is
a two phase system consisting of two immiscible liquids, the one being
dispersed as fine globules in other. Emulsion is used in bituminous road
constructions, especially in maintenance and patch repair works. The main
advantage of emulsion is thatit can be used in wet weather even when it is raining.
Alsoemulsion has been used in soil stabilization, particularly for the
stabilization of sands in desert areas.
CUT BACK EMULSION: - Cut back bitumen is defined as the bitumen, the viscosity of
which has been reduced by volatile diluents. For use in surface dressings, some
type of bitumen macadam and soil bitumen stabilization, it is necessary to have
a fluid binder which can be mixed relatively at low temperature. The viscosity
of the cut back and rate of which its hardness on the road depend on the
characteristics and quantity of both bitumen and volatile oil used as the
diluents. Cutback bitumen is available in three types, namely,
[1] Rapid Curing (RG) [2] Medium Curing (MC) [3] Slow Curing (SC)