DEFINITION OF CASH: Cash include legal tender coins and currency notes, cheques payable on demand. Reserve Bank Government Drafts and demand drafts, postal orders and ten or twenty paisa revenue stamps.

Postage service stamps, bonds, National saving certificate and other interest bearing securities do not form part of cash balance.

PRECAUTIONS IN THE CUSTODY OF CASH: Disbursing officer is responsible for the safety custody of Government cash. Full precautions should be taken to safeguard cash against theft, fire or loss. Following are some of precautions necessary in this regard:

1.     Cash Chest: - It is essential that for keeping cash, a chest of approved quality is procured and it is securely embedded in a wall or floor of a safe room. The chest should have double lock system.

2.     Keeping the cash: - Cash should always be kept in the chest, under lock and key. One key is kept the officer in-charge and the other by the cashier or head clerk, operating the Cash Book. Duplicate keys are sealed and kept in the treasury and verified physically every year.

3.     Operation of chest: - The chest should always be operated in the presence of officer in-charge and cashier or head clerk as the case may be. Generally the chest is operated by two keys. One key is kept by the Disbursing officer and other by the cashier.

4.     Amount in the chest: - Minimum amount of cash required for immediate use should be kept in the chest and surplus amount is remitted into treasury.

5.     Safety to cash: - Watchman or guard is engaged for the safe custody and transportation of cash as per norms fixed under rules and as per circumstances of each case.

6.     Govt. cash and personal cash: - Personal cash should never be mixed with Government cash.

TREASURY CHALLAN: - Treasury challan is a memorandum, which it is necessary to present at a treasury while paying money into it. The challan shows clearly the nature of the payment, the name of the person depositing it and the person or Government servant on whose account the payment is made.

Procedure for filling and submission of challan form:

1.     Chalans are ordinarily presented in duplicate, except when money is paid by a private person into a treasury.

2.     All the columns of the form are properly filled in. in the case of remittances (aaya hua dhan) from Government offices, the head of the office or some gazetted officer signs as remitter.

3.     The word ‘Provincial’ or ‘Central’ is prominently noted on each chalan according as it relates to the State or to the Union Government, so that the deposit may be credited to the account of the Government concerned.

4.     In case of all deposits, the chalan is presented to the treasury officer, except where otherwise provided.

5.     After deposit of money, one copy of the chalan is returned to the depositor duly receipted.

6.     All receipts for money for Rs. 500.00 or above, paid into the treasury, are signed by the Treasurer, the accountant and the treasury officer.

7.     Receipts for sums of less than Rs. 500.00 are signed only by the Treasurer and the Accountants.



(Form 32-A)                                    Treasury Form No: …………….                  (Provincial / Central)

To be filled in by the Remitter

To be filled in by the departmental office or the Treasury

By whom tendered

Name and address of the person on whose behalf money is paid

Full particulars of the remittance & of authority (if any)


Head of Account

Order to the Bank





Harnam Singh

Sadar Bazar, Agra





Sd Harnam Singh






Executive Engineer

Northern Division

Ganga Canal, Agra



Purchase price of mango crop of the compound of Madhopur Inspection House for the year 2000.










XXXIV – Irrigation Works.

(i) Productive works.

(ii) Direct receipts.

(iii) Plantation.

Correct receive & Grant receipts.


Sd A.B.C


Signature & full designation of the officer ordering the money to be paid in.


Executive Engineer.

Northern Division

Ganga Canal, Agra



(In words) Rupees One hundred and Twenty Five only.

Received payment                                                                                Date

(In words) rupees


Treasurer                                                                                                                    Treasury Officer / Agent

Note: - Particulars of money tendered are given on the reverse of the form as follows:

Coins                                                                                 Rs. 4.00

Note (with details)          12 x 10 Rs. Notes                              Rs. 120.00

                              01 x 01 Rs. Notes                              Rs. 1.00

Cheques (with details)                                                    Nill

                                                                              Total Rs. 125.00

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