Organization: - The plans and specifications of any construction
are to be finally converted into physical structures and facilities. This
involves the organization and coordination of all the resources required for
the project. The organizational structure is the system or process which helps
in achieving this goal. This organization helps process which helps the manager
to relate tasks to people or other agencies in order to achieve an economical
and timely completion of the project.
[1] Functional organization
Junior Engg.-I Junior Engg.-II Account Assistant.
In this type of organization, the whole work is divided in such a way
that each person has to perform a minimum number of functions and is
responsible for those functions. All similar and related work is grouped
together under one person. A subordinate anywhere in the organization will be
commanded directly by a number or superior officers who have the authority in
their own area of specialization. This type of organization permits tightest
discipline and control of any of organizational concept.
Advantages: - [1] The entire work is divided on the basis of
functional specialization and hence the efficiency will be increased. [2] Mental work is separated from manual
work. [3] The work will be completed with better quality due to the services of
functional specialist.
Disadvantages: - [1] The main disadvantage is that there is no clear
cut line of authority and each subordinate is accountable to a number of
supervisors. This leads to confusion among the subordinates. [2] Coordination
becomes more difficult.
[2] Line organization:-
Project Administrator
Resident Engineer-I Resident
Assistant Engineer-I
Assistant Engineer-II
Enginner-I Junior Engineer-II
Foreman-I Foreman-II
This is the oldest and simplest form of organization adopted in the
construction projects. This is similar to the military organization structure.
Here is a clear line of authority and responsibilities b/w the superiors and
subordinates are clearly fixed. This type of organization is practiced in many
private construction programmed and in Government construction projects.
Advantages: - [1] These are simple. [2] Responsibilities at all levels are defined
and fixed. [3] It
generates strong discipline. [4] Decisions can be taken quickly.
Disadvantages: - [1] The person in authority tends to get over loaded with
work and the efficiency of the organisation depends upon the performance of the
senior bosses.
[2] There is inadequacy of communication from lower
level to higher level.
[3] The communication from
the lower level to the top management is very much handicapped.
[3] Line and Staff organization:- This type of
organisation has worked successfully in the manufacturing industries. Many
construction companies evolved from a functional organisation to a line and
staff organisation as growth required additional management’s strengths. The
main disadvantage of the line organisation is that the top executive has to
take every decision related to the project. The system is therefore unsuitable
for large and complex projects requiring services by specialists in different
fields. In Line and Staff organisation the expert knowledge of the specialists
is added to the line organisation. An example for line and staff organisation
is given in figure.
Project Engineer
Architect Financial Security Administrative Legal
Engg. Manager Officer Officer
Resident Resident Resident
Engineer – I Engineer –
Engineer – III
Assistant Assistant
Engineer – I Engineer – II
Junior Engg.-I Junior Engg. – II
Assistant-I Works
Assistant – II
Advantages: - [1] Good
combination of specialist services with the project construction team. [2] The
project will be executed with better quality. [3] More job opportunities are
provided. [3] The advice of experts is available at all levels. [4] It results
in increased efficiency and economy. [5] The staff at site is competent to take
decisions and hence work is not delayed.
Disadvantages: - [1] If the advice of experts is not properly
defined, there may be confusion about the relationship between the staff and
line personnel. [2] Staff personnel do not have direct authority to enforce
their decisions. [3] Overhead cost will increase due to hiring the services of
the specialised staff personnel.