Principles of Organisation


Principles of Organisation

An organisation has to follow certain basic principles to be effective. Following are the important principles of organisation in the field of management.

(i) Principle of span of management: The number of persons that can be managed by one person is limited. Lesser managerial levels will exceed the manager’s effective span of control and too many levels will create confusion and disorder. There is a limit to the number of subordinates that an executive can supervise effectively.

(ii) Principle of command: The subordinates should be responsible to a single person. E.g, a junior executive, should know to whom he has to report about the progress achieved, difficulties encountered and to whom he can approach for any consultation required.

(iii) The scalar principle: A clear line of authority from the top to the bottom levels of management. This will result in efficient functioning of the management. If this principle is used, the understanding of authority relationships within an organisation is made easier.

(iv) Principle of delegation: The delegation of authority with responsibility is essential to enable managers to carry out their duties efficiently. Thus responsibility and authority go hand in hand. Therefore to enable the managers to carry out their duties effectively, they must be delegated with adequate authority in proportion to their responsibilities.

(v) Principle of division of work: Any major work is to be suitably divided and allocated to individuals such that each person has the qualification and capacity to perform the assigned work in the most efficient manner.

(vi) Principle of separation of work: The works carried out by an individual or team should be checked and controlled by people other than those who executed the work. This helps in identifying the mistakes and taking timely corrective actions.

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