All workers must understand the nature of the work to be
performed, the procedures to be followed, and the potential hazards to be
encountered before any work begins.
Electrical, water, and sewer easements must be investigated and
their locations properly identified.
Barrier guards, signs, or flashing lights also must be provided to
protect the excavation site. Access to the area must be restricted to workers.
When workers are required to enter an excavated area that is more
than 4 feet deep, confined space safety rules must be followed.
Trenches more than 1.5mt deep in soils excepting hard compacted
soil, should be securely shored and timbered.
Stand-alone rescue equipment also must be immediately available,
and rescue team members must be trained in emergency rescue techniques.
Equipment should
be operated only by trained workers.
Faulty machines should not be allowed to be operated.
No work should be performed on the faces of sloped or benched excavations
above workers without protecting workers at the lower levels.
Drainage must be provided whenever work is performed in excavations where
water is accumulating or can accumulate.
Stairways, ladders, or ramps must be provided in all trenches that
are 4 feet deep or deeper.
All excavated materials
must be set back at least 2 feet from the excavation area to prevent possible
Excavation machinery should be properly selected depending upon
the nature of excavation and size of protect.
Work site inspections must be conducted by a competent person on a
daily basis before work begins.
All the workers should have the authority to stop work in
emergency cases.
The word “Explosives” should be
written in bold letters on the sides and front face of the vehicles carrying
The vehicles carrying explosives
should be carefully inspected to ensure that its brakes are in working order
and its electric wiring is insulated and there is no leakage in fuel tank and
the body is free from oil, gases etc.
No unauthorized person should be
allowed to sit in the vehicle carrying explosives.
The packets containing explosives
should be lifted carefully and not thrown from a distance.
Wooden tools should be used for
opening the packets.
Explosives, fuels lighters, etc,
should not be stored in damp or wet places or near oil, or near any source of
After removing a part of
explosive the container must be covered properly.
When energy for blasting is taken
from power circuits, the voltage shall not exceed 220V.
Before firing, sufficient warning
should be given to enable persons working at the site to go away from danger
Flag men are posted on app
approaches to keep vehicles and public at least 400mt away from the danger
Only trained and experienced
workers should be deputed for bitumen work.
The workers, who are fit
physically and mentally active, should be engaged on bitumen work.
The work should be planned that
the workers are given rest at suitable intervals, to avoid their getting tired.
The work must be suspended during
stormy weather to guard against fire hazards.
Firefighting equipment should be
kept ready at site of work.
Warning signals, e.g, sirens and
hooters must be kept at the site of work and must be sounded promptly in case
of fire hazard.
Proper sign boards indicating
that bitumen work is in progress must be displayed at both ends of the stretch (QSyko ;k ypd)of road under construction.
Proper diversions should be
arranged and the stretch
of road under construction protected from all sides by keeping empty drums, so
that road users do not enter this zone.
Proper barricades are constructed
at both ends to divert the traffic.
When actual spraying of bitumen
is going on, a man with red flag is posted at each end of the stretch of road, to
stop/regulate the traffic.
All ladders
should be designed for the loads these are required to carry.
Side rails of metal ladders shall
be sufficient cross sections to prevent excessive deflection in use.
Safety shoes shall be used to
avoid danger of sliping.
Ladders used for heavy work
should not be more than 6mt long, whereas for light work the length could be up
to 8mt.
Before use, all ladders should be
tested for the designed loads. The ladders should be strong as well as rigid.
To prevent slipping, a ladder
should be secured at the bottom end.
When ascending or descending the
user should face the ladder, use both of his hand, and place his feet near the
ends of rungs (sidhi ka
danda) and not in the middle.
Scaffolding is required for all
types of structures constructed above ground level, e.g. brick work, stone
masonry etc. The particular type of scaffolding is selected, depending upon the
nature of work and its situation.
Various stages of construction
should be erected at convenient heights.
The put log should be inserted
sufficiently deep in the wall to avoid the risk of its sliding.
The wooden members should be free
from dry rot or wet rot.
For repair works at high levels
of multistoried buildings, needle scaffolding is preferred as it will not
obstruct traffic at ground level.
The joints of sheathing (AAVRAN, CHADAR AUR MYAAN) should be
water tight so that there is no loss of cement mortar.
The form work is used again and
again on works until it becomes unfit and unsafe for use.
To avoid damage to concrete as
well as form work, the interior surface to forms should be coated with a layer
of oil, soft soap etc.
To allow for sags in beams, the
forms are given a camber of 1cm in 5mt length of beam.
The form work should be
constructed in the manner that it is easily dismantled.
In the design of roofs and
floors, form work has to bear its own load, weight of wet concrete, live load
due to labour and the impact due to pouring concrete and workmen on it and also
impact of vibrator etc.
Danger span boards should be
displayed near all sides of structure under demolishing.
Red signals should be provided at
important points at night.
A watchman must be provided to
stop entry for dangerous situations.
Safety belts should be used while
working at high levels.
Electric service lines should be
got disconnected before staring demolishing work.
Screens may be placed where
necessary to prevent fly pieces causing injuries to other workers.
Siron etc. should be installed
for giving warning to workers in case of any danger.
not only disturb the life of the individuals or a particular industry but it
plays have with national life too. Steps taken are:
Road sign boards regarding safety,
To save time at the cost of life
is a bad bargain.
Advertisements regarding safety
in magazines, newspaper and other journals.
Safety programmed on the radio
and televisions.
Safety programmed is conducted to
educate the workers.
Safety mottos by hung on boards,
e.g, ‘Safety Saves’ etc.
Safety journals/magazines are
distributed freely to employee.
Documentary films on accidents
and safety are shown to the workers.