TESTS FOR ROAD AGGREGATES:-In order to decide the suitability of the road stones for use
in construction, the following tests are carried out:
Crushing Test (This test is
performed to determine the strength
of aggregate and this test is performed by aggregate crushing test apparatus)
Abrasion Test:-(This test is
performed to determine the hardness
of aggregate and this test is carried out using any one of the following three
(a) Los Angeles Abrasion test (This test is performed by Los
Angeles Abrasion Testing Machine)
(b) Deval Abrasion test (This test is performed by Deval Abrasion
Testing Machine)
Dorry Abrasion Test (This test is performed by Dorry
Abrasion Testing Machine)
Impact Test (This test is
performed to determine the toughness
of aggregate and this test is performed by Aggregate Impact testing machine)
Soundness Test (This test is
performed to determine the resistance of
aggregates to weathering action.)