INTERSECTIONS & ITS TYPES: - At the intersection there are through, turning and crossing traffic and these traffic movements may be handled in different ways depending on the type of intersection and its design. Intersection may be divided into two groups:

[1] Intersection at grade: - These include all roads which meet at more or less the same level. The traffic maneuvers like merging, diverging and crossing are involved in intersection at grade. These intersections may be further classified into Unchannelized, channelized and rotary intersections.

            (i) Channalized intersection: -Channelized intersection provides more safety and efficiency. It reduces the number of possible conflicts by reducing the area of conflicts available in the carriageway.

            (ii) Unchannalized Intersection: - The intersection area is paved and there is absolutely no restriction to vehicles to use any part of intersection area. Hence the unchannalized intersections are the lowest class of intersection, easiest in the design.

(iii) Rotary Intersection: - Rotary Rotary intersections or round abouts are special form of at-grade intersections laid out for the movement of traffic in one direction around a central traffic island.

[2] Grade separate intersections: - Grade separated intersection design is the highest form of intersection treatment. This type of intersection causes least delay and hazard to the crossing traffic and in general is much superior to intersection at grade from the point of view of traffic safety and efficient operation.

CAUSES OF ACCIDENTS: - Various causes of accidents may hence be listed as given below:

(1)Drivers: - Excessive speed and rash driving, carelessness, violation of rules and regulations, failure to see or understand the traffic situation, sign or signal, sleep or alcohol.

(2) Pedestrians: - Violating regulations, carelessness in using the carriageway meant for vehicular traffic.

(3)Vehicle defects: - Failure of brakes, steering system, or lighting system, tyre burst and any other defect in the vehicles.

(4)Passenger: - A lighting from or getting into moving vehicles.

(5)Road Condition: - Slippery or skidding road surface, pot holes, ruts and other damaged conditions of the road surface.

(6)Road Design: - Defective geometric design like inadequate sight distance, inadequate width of shoulders, improper curve design, improper lighting and improper traffic control devices.

(7)Weather: - Unfavourable weather condition like, mist, fog, snow, dust, smoke or heavy rainfall which restrict normal visibility and render driving unsafe.

(8)Animals: - Stray animals on the road.

(9)Other Causes: - Incorrect signs or signals, gate of level crossing not closed when required, ribbon development, badly located advertisement boards or service station etc.

TYPES OF ACCIDENTS: - Road traffic collisions generally fall into one of four common types:

[A] Lane departure crashes, which occur when a driver leaves the lane they are in and collide with another vehicle or a roadside object. These include head on collisions and run-off-road collisions.

[B] Collisions at junctions include rear-end collision and angle or side impacts.

[C] Collisions involving pedestrians and cyclists.

[D] Collisions with animals.

[E] A moving vehicle collides with a parked vehicle.

[F] Two vehicles approaching from different directions collide at an intersection.

[G] Head on collision of two vehicles approaching from opposite directions.

[H] A moving vehicle collides with a stationary object like an electric pole, tree or a rigid structure.

METHODS OF PREVENTION OF ACCIDENTS: - To prevent or minimize accidents, the road engineer, the road user and the legal authorities will have to go hand in hand. The road engineer will design the pavement in such a way so as to minimize all possible chances of accidents by providing the following facilities to pedestrians and vehicular traffic:

1.     Providing traffic signal for pedestrians.

2.     Installation of pedestrian in islands.

3.     Improving street lighting.

4.     Construction of under and over bridges where essential.

5.     Proper design and marking of cross walks.

6.     Efficient layout of crossings, junctions and corners.

7.     Providing proper cross section of road.

8.     Providing suitable super elevation and transition curves at all curves.

9.     Provision of non skid and uniform surface.

10.Providing traffic segregation where possible.

The road users should realize their responsibilities towards each other. A road user must realize the difference in speed between the pedestrian and vehicular traffic especially pneumatic traffic.



I am Jitender, and i am a civil engineer's.

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