the maintenance works of bituminous road consist of:
Patch Repairs or Pot Holes: - Patch
repair are carried out on the damage or improper road surface. Localized
depressions and pot holes may be formed in the surface layers due to defects in
materials and construction. Inadequate of defecting binding materials causes
removal of aggregates during monsoons. Patching may be done on affected
localized or sections using a cold premix. Pot
Holes are cut in rectangular r shape and the loose material is removed.
These are then cleaned by wire brush. Heated bitumen or emulsion is applied on
the cut portion of the pot holes. After applying bitumen, patch mix consisting
of bitumen and grit or stone ballast, is filled and thoroughly compacted by
iron runner or rollers. The surface of the patch should be a little higher than
the normal surface of road so as to allow for compaction by the traffic.
Resurfacing: - When the pavement surface
is totally worn out
and develops a poor riding surface, it may be more economical to provide an
additional surface, it may be more economical to provide an additional surface
coarse on the existing surface. In cast the pavement is of inadequate thickness
due to increase in traffic loads and strengthening is necessary, then an
overlay of adequate thickness should be designed and constructed.